Drugs & Addiction Testing Kit Plastic Box
This Drug & Addictions Testing Kit contains 72 vials to test for illicit and pharmaceutical drugs and other addictive substances.
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This Drugs & Addictions Test Kit for Kinesiologists contains illicit drugs such as ecstasy, cocaine, amphetamines, cannabis, LSD, heroin, as well as pharmaceutical drugs and other addictive substances.
This homeopathic test kit has been prompted by the many requests from practitioners who are seeing more and more patients with substance abuse. According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, about 15% of Australians use an illicit drug and about 5% use a pharmaceutical drug for a non-medical purpose. More than 40% of Australians over 14 have used an illicit drug in their lifetime, and illicit drugs are used by more than a quarter of people in their 20s each year. 3.1 million Australians aged 14 or older had illicitly used drugs in the last 12 months (in 2016). Use of illicit drugs is the highest amongst 20-29 year olds (28%), but it is increasing amongst all age groups. Treatment for amphetamine use has more than doubled over the last 5 years.
It is suitable for Kinesiologists, Chiropractors, Bioresonance & NAET Practitioners, Naturopaths, or anyone trained in muscle testing.
As an experienced homeopath I understand the importance of a reliable homeopathic test kit to test for health related problems. Consequently, all vials contain a few homeopathic pills sourced from reputable homeopathic pharmacies. This ensures accurate testing of any imbalances, but also precise muscle testing. Furthermore, the vials can be used to restore balance in the body.
This Kinesiology Test Kit comes in a plastic box for easy storage. If stored correctly it has an indefinite shelf life. Therefore, please store this homeopathic test kit away from heat, direct sunlight, mobile phones, magnets, microwaves and power points.
Not only is this Drugs & Addictions Test Kit for Kinesiologists available in a Plastic Box, but it is also available in a Flat Box (vials horizontal).
This Drugs & Addictions Test Kit does NOT contain any illicit drugs, pharmaceutical drugs or any other crude substance, but the homeopathic remedies made from these substances and is therefore perfect for accurate testing and balancing. It contains glass vials as plastic can be unreliable for testing purposes. Pills are used to avoid liquid spillage and evaporation.
The test vials do not need to be opened as they are not intended for internal use.
This Test Kit is not intended for DIAGNOSIS or TREATMENT and is NOT a home testing kits, but is intended for practitioners such as Kinesiologists, Bioresonance practitioners (Bicom, Vega, etc.), Chiropractors, Naturopaths, or anyone trained in muscle testing.