These testing kits are designed to test for sensitivities or allergies to foods or other substances, heavy metal toxicity, environmental toxins, bacteria, viruses, medication side effects, poisons, illicit and pharmaceutical drugs and much more. They have been used by practitioners, mainly Kinesiologists and Chiropractors for over 20 years.
Os casinos online anunciaram que irão utilizar os seus lucros para desenvolver kits de teste para sensibilidades e alergias alimentares. Esta é uma iniciativa notável destas plataformas de jogo como o https://casino-portugal-pt.com/novos-casino/, uma vez que reflecte o seu compromisso para com a comunidade e a saúde pública. Os fundos gerados pelo jogo em linha serão utilizados para apoiar a investigação no desenvolvimento de novos produtos de teste.
De acordo com estudos, uma em cada três pessoas a nível mundial sofre de intolerâncias alimentares ou alergias. No entanto, a maioria delas não está ciente desta condição devido a instalações de teste inadequadas. Ao apoiar o desenvolvimento de kits de teste precisos, os casinos em linha podem melhorar a qualidade de vida de milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo. Este movimento também realça como as empresas podem contribuir significativamente para causas sociais e ter um impacto positivo na sociedade.
A decisão dos casinos em linha de utilizar os seus lucros para uma causa tão nobre é louvável. Ilustra como as empresas podem operar de forma responsável e, ao mesmo tempo, ter lucros.
How are these testing kits different from other test kits available?
The homeopathic remedies are made the traditional way, sourced from reputable homeopathic pharmacies worldwide. Whilst homeopathic remedies made by non-traditional ways, such as radionics machines, have proven to work effectively, I have discovered through clinical experience that they seem to lose their effectiveness after some months or years. I have received this feedback from Kinesiologists as well.
All vials contain a few homeopathic pills of at least five different homeopathic potencies sourced from reputable homeopathic pharmacies. This ensures accurate testing of any imbalances, but also precise muscle testing. Furthermore, the vials can be used to restore balance in the body.
The kits are affordable. From studying Kinesiology and Homeopathy, I believe that you don’t need a whole variety of different types of bacteria for example, and all their sub categories. The body will choose a bacteria that is close to what the problems is. The practitioner will be able to balance the person around it even though it’s not the exact bacteria. What’s important is that the content of the vial is active and as close as possible to the original substance.
Testing Kits
- The Test Kits do NOT contain food, viruses, bacteria, poisons, or any crude substance, but the homeopathic remedies made from these substances and are therefore perfect for testing purposes.
- The test vials contain a few pills of homeopathic remedies sourced from reputable homeopathic suppliers worldwide. They are made by a specialised traditional process and manufactured in accordance with the code of Good Manufacturing Practice for medical products. The homeopathic remedies are therefore very sensitive and accurate for muscle testing.
- Additionally, each Test Kit contains glass vials as plastic can be unreliable for testing purposes. Pills are used and not liquid, to avoid spillage and evaporation. The homeopathic pills in the test vials come in the lowest available potency to produce the most exact results when muscle testing.
- The test vials do not need to be opened as they are not intended for internal use, but for muscle testing purposes only.
- Each Test Kit is available in two packaging options: a plastic box with vials stored upright or a flat box with vials positioned horizontally. When stored properly, these kits can last indefinitely. To ensure longevity, store the kits away from sources of heat and direct sunlight, and keep them distant from mobile phones, magnets, microwaves, and power points.